
Cleo® 3780Plus®

The Preferred IBM 2780/3780 BSC RJE Communications Solution

Cleo 3780Plus provides full emulation of IBM 2780/3780 Remote Job Entry (RJE) stations for PCs, workstations, servers, and selected midrange systems. Cleo 3780Plus is the leading multi-platform BSC RJE package, with over 100,000 worldwide installations. 

Full IBM 2780/3780 BSC RJE Emulation, Plus:

  • Easy scripting for unattended operation
  • Integrated Application Program Interface (IAPI)
  • Modem auto-dialing via UDS BSC, SADL, V.25bis, and AT Command Set
  • Perpetual log file
  • Flexible configuration
  • Custom screens and messages

Other Advantages

  • Error-free data transfer
  • Receive and transmit data blocks of up to 4,096 characters
  • Peer-to-peer communications
  • Quick exit
  • Communications line monitor 

Modems Supported

When you use Cleo 3780Plus with one of our synchronous interface boards or SYNCcable+, you can connect to almost any major synchronous modem - full- or half-duplex. It works with short-haul modems, two- or four-wire leased lines, and standard dial-up telephone connections. Line speeds of up to 56Kbps are supported. 

Common RJE Applications

  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • Electronic Claims Filing
  • Point-of-Sale (POS) Polling
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
  • Check Clearing and Deposits
  • Credit Card Verification
  • Customs Automated Broker Interface
  • Stock Market Exchange Data
  • Electronic Tax Filing
  • More 

Hardware Options

  • AllSyncä high-speed internal modem boards
  • Economical synchronous interface boards
  • SYNCcable+® external processor, for synchronous communications through your systems' asynchronous ports
PC Platforms
Windows 3.x
Windows 95
Windows NT
Digital Platforms
Alpha UNIX
Alpha OpenVMS
Alpha Windows NT
Other Platforms
HP9000 HP-UX
Pyramid DC/OSx
Sequent DYNIX/ptx
Sun Solaris
Tandem NonStop-UX
many more

Command Summary

Escape current mode for new command
Answer (minutes)
Wait x minutes for call
Autodial (phone number)
Automatically dial modem line specified
Binary (filename)
Transmit binary file
Branch in job file based on status of communications session

    on status

Branch on status of last command

    on return_code

Branch on return code of system command

    on SIZE

Branch based on size of received file

    on COUNTER

Branch on value of specified counter

    on TRUE

Branch unconditionally
Config (filename)
Display or change configuration
Enable local modem and exclude handset for data transfer
Transmit EOT (End of Transmission) character
Execute (filename)
Execute commands from job file
Display help information menu
Interrupt receive file
Job (filename)
Create job file or scramble an existing job file
Key (message)
Transmit keyboard message
Log (message)
Display or write to log file, or turn log on/off
Monitor (filename)
Display received/transmitted protocol on screen or save to specified file
Print (filename)
Receive printer output
Exit 2780/3780 BSC communications
Receive (filename)
Receive data file
Receive screen output
Sleep (seconds)
Pause x seconds
Start (counter)
Display or start specified counter
System (command)
Execute operating system command or program
Table (filename)
Display or change translation table(s)
Text (filename)
Transmit text file
Token (tokens)
Display or set token variables
Disconnect phone line and disable autoanswer
Increment/decrement specified counter
## (comment)
Enter comments

For a text description of the commands, click here

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AllSync is a trademark of Interface Systems, Inc.
Cleo, 3780Plus, and SYNCcable+ are registered trademarks of Interface Systems, Inc.
All other company, brand, and product names are or may be trademarks of their respective holders.
©1996 Interface Systems, Inc. All rights reserved